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Historic Preservation & Conservation: Online Resources

This guide offers a variety of digital and print resources on the subject of conservation and preservation in the built environment.


National Register of Historic Places

Historical Maps, Deeds, & Properties

The first site featured in this section is a national resource, while the rest included in this section focus on maps and property records in the city of Boston or state of Massachusetts. However, many cities, states, and countries offer comparable records.


Governmental Agencies for Conservation & Preservation

This section offers guidelines, reports, articles, and standards published by governmental agencies for the conservation and preservation of historic buildings. Please note that the last two resources on this list are Massachusetts-based agencies, however, there are comparable agencies in other states.

Institutions for Conservation & Preservation

There are several organizations that pursue preservation and conservation projects as well as offer resources and professional networks to those working in the field.

Additional Online Resources

Below you will find additional resources geared towards students and professionals in the fields of conservation and preservation. 


Government Standards & Guidelines