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Resources on Real Estate from the BAC Library

Real Estate

This guide will help you locate resources related to the real estate program at the BAC.

File:Cardinal Richard Cushing, Mayor John F. Collins, and Boston Redevelopment Authority Director Edward Logue view proposed "new look" for Boston (12776313954).jpg

Cardinal Richard Cushing, Mayor John F. Collins, and Boston Redevelopment Authority Director Edward Logue view proposed "new look" for Boston."  Photographed by Jack O'Connell for the Boston Globe, circa 1960-1968. Mayor John F. Collins records, Collection #0244.001, City of Boston Archives, Boston.

Library Information

Main Library

320 Newbury Street
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02115
T: 617.585.0155

Visual Resources Library

320 Newbury Street
5th Floor, RM 511
Boston, MA 02115
T: 617.585.0257

Archives Record Management

951 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
T: 617.585.0133