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Brutalism: Online Resources

This guide features resources on Brutalist architecture.


Images / Videos

Open the image groups below and choose which ones you want to download from our Artstor/JSTOR database.

Artstor digital images are provided for academic research.

Louis Kahn: Silence and Light

61 minutes. With the participation of William Jordy, Jonas Salk, Aldo Rossi, Arata Isozaki, Tadao Ando, Robert Venturi, Denise Scott-Brown, Brendan Gill, and others. Narration by Kenneth Frampton.

As an architect, educator, and philosopher, Louis Kahn played a prominent role in the history of 20th century architecture. An examination of six of his most significant buildings gives insight to his unique vision: The Salk Institute in La Jolla; the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth; the Center for British Art in New Haven; the library at Philips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire; the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad and the Parliament Buildings of Bangladesh in Dhaka.

The visits to the sites are enhanced with historic footage and sound recordings of Kahn.

99% Invisible Episode 176: Hard to Love a Brute

This podcast episode explores the history of Brutalist Architecture, its polarizing reputation, and some of the challenges to its preservation with authors and concrete building enthusiasts at leading a movement of appreciation for the contested style.