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Healthcare Architecture: Journals & Articles
This guide provides resources on various areas of healthcare architecture.
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Journals & Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles- Print
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Architectural Record
(June issues)
Available in print at BAC
World Health Design
Healthcare Design
Journal of Health Design
Journal Articles
"Community Public Healthcare." Progressive Architecture 73, no. 1 (January 1992): 94-95.
Bobrow, Michael, and Julia Thomas. 1995. "Healthcare architecture re-formed." Progressive Architecture 76, no. 9: 43-44.
Da Gama-Rosa Costa, Renato. "Healthcare in Brazil 1930-1960: preserving the modern architecture legacy." Journal / International Working-Party For DOCOMOMO no. 37 (September 2007): 20-23.
Dey, Chiranjib. "Developments in healthcare architecture." Architecture & Design 29, no. 9 (September 2012): 26-28, 30.
Emei, Rang. "Planning for healthcare: architecturally 'lean' hospitals." Architecture & Design 28, no. 9 (September 2011): 42-44,46,48.
Finch, Paul. "Doctors' orders: healthcare architecture, too often a functionalist response to short-term budgeting [...]." Architectural Review 217, no. 1299 (May 2005): 44-45.
Jovanović, Nikolina. “Hospital Architecture in Times of Crisis.” International Review of Psychiatry 34, no. 7/8 (November 2022): 861–67.
Merkel, Jayne. "Healthcare architecture now." Architectural Record 191, no. 3 (March 2003), suppl., (58p.).
Nandia, Upali, Debajyoti Pati, and Katie McCurry. “Neuroesthetics and Healthcare Design.” Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD) (Vendome Group LLC) 2, no. 2 (Winter 2009): 116–33.
Nersessian, Nancy J., and Altug Kasali. "Evidence-based design in practice : a thematic analysis." Revista De Arquitectura no. 26 (2012): 4-10.
Peters, Terri, and Corbett Lyon. “Humanist Principles, Sustainable Design and Salutogenics: A New Form of Healthcare Architecture.” Architectural Design 87, no. 2 (March 1, 2017): 56
Röderer, Kathrin, Isabella Hämmerle, and Renate Cervinka. "Evaluation of hospital gardens and implications for design." Journal Of Architectural & Planning Research 31, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 43-56.
Verderber, Stephen, and Ben J. Refuerzo. 2003. “Research-Based Architecture and the Community Healthcare Consumer: A Statewide Initiative.” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 20 (1): 57–67.
Vittori, Gail, and Stephen Sharpe. "Sustainable healthcare design." Texas Architect 58, no. 3 (May 2008): 32-33.
Journal Articles- Print
"Healthcare facilities." World Architecture no. 47 (June 1996): 128-129.
Gaunt, John. "Promoting family health: architects can make a difference in children's healthcare by designing sensitive, family-centered environments." Architecture 82, no. 4 (April 1993): 33-35.
Kjisik, Hennu. 2014. "Good, better, healing: hospitals, like universities, libraries and concert halls, are major public buildings. The future hospital is flexible, open and urban." Arkkitehti 111, no. 5: 12-21.
Lambert, Léopold. "L'hôpital comme laboratoire = Hospital as a laboratory." Architecture D'aujourd'hui no. 405 (March 2015): 124-127.
McKee, Bradford. "Reforming healthcare design." Architecture 83, no. 3 (March 1994): 109-113.
Novak, Celeste Allen, and Barbara Richardson. "Functional color and design in healthcare environments: color and nature provide healing benefits in hospital settings." Architectural Record 200, no. 9 (September 2012): 146-149.
Wilson, Jonathan. "Architecture tomorrow: healthcare." Architects' Journal 241, no. 19 (May 2015): 30-31.
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