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Artstor: Downloading Images - Advanced

Instructional guide on how to use Artstor.

Downloading Images - Advanced

There are several methods of downloading images and organizing them. In order to use these options, you need to create a free Artstor account once you've logged in with your BAC credentials.

Saving a Group of Images

You may want to create a group of images if you have a large number of search results that you want to review and sort through later or you may want to create a group so you can download all of your images at the same time.

To create a group of images or add them to an existing group, use your free Artstor account. First select them by checking the checkbox in the upper left hand corner of each image thumbnail.

Once selected, in the menu click Save (highlighted in Orange) below and that will bring up Artstor's Workspace where you can add your selected images to an existing folder or create a new folder to put them into or just add them as individual images into the workspace until you decide whether you want to put them into a folder. Below, if I wanted to put selected images into the Central Artery (Big Dig), I would highlight that folder and click Save (highlighted in Green).

Downloading a folder of images

You can export grouped images in a folder as either a PowerPoint presentation or a ZIP file (a compressed file) or as a PDF (which includes hyperlinks to Artstor).  Click open a folder in your Workspace and you'll see the Export tab and you can choose how you'll export all the images.

If you need assistance downloading and/or organizing images, please contact the Reference & Digital Initiatives Librarian or the BAC library.