Searching by keyword on the Artstor homepage is a great way to get started.
Below is an example of the results from searching for “MBTA”. Use "Content I can access" in order to ensure that you can download the images from the search results. You can refine your results (using “filters”) by selecting options in the left sidebar. If you scroll to the bottom of the sidebar, you'll notice different collections (ART on FILE, SAHARA Community Collection, Green New Deal Superstudio, and Built Environmet Collection). The BAC created the Built Environment Collection but you can download any of the images from your search results. In addition, you're not seeing the word MBTA in the title of most images. That means that the keyword is somewhere else in descriptive information of the images in your search results (which you'll see if you click on a thumbnail and open the image so you can view it as well as the descriptive information).