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FIMo: Fire Insurance Maps Online : Research Tools

Instructional guide on how to use FIMo, a collection of high resolution, full-color fire insurance maps in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Research Tools

On the viewer page there are tools you can use to locate the page you need to find within the publication. The tool buttons highlighted in green are enabled tools included in the publication, while the gray buttons are not. Not all publications include all tools.


The Title button opens a pop-up window of an image of the publication’s title page.


The Key button opens a pop-up window of an image of an explanation of map symbols and colors.

Text Index

Like a table of contents, the Text Index can be used to look up map sheet numbers. The text index may be organized by street, subdivision or block, facility name (such as businesses, public buildings, factories, or other large structures, located under the “Specials” section), or city or township. Keep in mind that street names and addresses may have changed over time, which is why it is useful to use the Text Index along with Index Maps. Another tip is to review more current maps to find adjoining streets close to the actual street address you’re interested in and then review earlier maps by locating adjoining streets if the street address you’re most interested in is no longer available in the text index.


Notes may include notes about the city, the publication, or other miscellaneous notes included in the publication. Corrections may be included.

Index Maps

Index Maps are a modern street map overlain on the publication’s index map(s). This tool can help you find the map sheets you need, especially if street names or addresses have changed over time. Keep in mind that the index is usually not a one to one match.